Build Your Strategy One Time!


      Set your strategy to the correct heading before you do anything else, even implementing AI Agents.

      We call it Marketplace Domination. Whether your goal is 1. Become the top dog in your market. 2. Optimize your current business model and physical assets: 3. Improve family life.


      When It Seems Like There're Endless Directions You Can Go...

      Sure, there are seemingly 100's if not 1000's of different directions you could go with marketing, sales and advertising, and then add another 1000 technology platforms! The difficult part is figuring out which ones are good, strategic or even outdated from 12 months ago.

      In Stage V of our Academy, we cover the 5 Most Common Business Model Basic Strategies (some businesses may use 2 or 3 business models)

      • Professional Model

        The Professional has one goal, to prove that they have more expertise than anyone else, they are the expert. The prospects’ situation is that they have a problem where they do not have the information to solve a problem, they cannot get the information themselves in a reasonable time, and the outcome is critical. “We don’t have the knowledge or expertise, so we want an Expert.”

      • Sevice Industry Model

        This model is similar in position as the professional; each service provider wants to be perceived as the Expert in the services, they provide. The model differs in that this model is lower in emotional intensity but it is more frequent. The prospect needs someone to do something for them. Something that they don’t know how to do, don’t want to do, or don’t have to do. The prospects are feeling confusion on who is actually any good. It is difficult to decipher the information concerning the solution. There is a fear of getting awful service, they are skeptical and have more than likely had a negative experience with a service provider in the past. The most important factor to the prospect is results and education. Fix it right, fix it the first time and don’t fix what doesn’t need to be fixed.

      • The Wholesaler/Distributor

        Almost always business to business. May at times be dealing with a business to an end user.The prospect is the middleman. He does not have an exclusive with the products, and is not in control of the manufacturing process. His clients may be buying competitive products.The prospect may feel as though they already have a wholesaler/distributor providing the same or similar product. The prospect has no time to investigate the options. He is skeptical of upsetting his clients, and is always being hit up by sales reps. Very similar to the Manufacturing Model

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        Retail Model

        The ease of purchase is the focus for the retail business model. This model is best developed with the idea that comparisons are the focus.The prospect needs something and wants to make the best decision, and has some information concerning the product, but desires more. The prospects are feeling confusion on who is actually any good at providing the items sought for. It is difficult to decipher the information concerning the solution. There appears to be little reliable information. There is a fear of getting an awful deal or product, they are skeptical. There might also be a lack of time in which to make a decision. Every retail situation deals with the same emotions and decision matrix, the difference is only in frequency. The less frequent the purchase the more intense the emotion.

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        Manufacturing Model

        Always business to business (the re-seller). May at times be dealing with a business to an end user. The prospect may feel as though they already have a manufacturer providing the same or similar product. The prospect has no time to investigate the options. He is skeptical of upsetting his clients, and is always being hit up by sales reps.The prospect wants the product to move and make higher margins. He wants a quality product and general customer support. But the most important thing is the prospect wants to make more money.The biggest problem for the prospect is product staying on the shelf and low margins. This is a loss of income and potential income for the prospect. The opposite of what is important.
